Export quality with Bel!

Here at Bel, we think about products not only for our local costumers, that is, we plan and produce goods that meet consumers needs in all countries. Doing so, in addition to strengthening our brand worldwide, we have also managed to expand our field of action.

Our goal is to improve the quality of Bel products continuously and if you, exporter, are looking for such a company, then Bel is the place to be! By exporting our goods, you´re offering your customers much more than just products. You´ll providing them improved quality of life with products of proven excellence!
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    CNPJ: 01.972.193/0001-05 | Rodovia Contorno Leste BR-116 KM 95, n° 3900 - Guatupê, São José dos Pinhais - PR, 83060-022
    © 2023 BEL. All rights reserved.
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